We have lots of WordPress plugins and not all pro addons have automatic update option from the plugin dashboard. This article will help you how to update the new version of any pro addon.

How to check if any pro addon has update

If there is any update of any pro addon then it will display notification in the WordPress dashboard plugin listing. If that doesn’t show(at first we didn’t implement any such feature, so old release of any plugin will not have this feature) then the only way is to check our product page.

How to update new version pro addon

Way 1(Regular way):
Disable the pro addon from the plugin listing of WordPress dashboard, delete it(If you are running WordPress 5.5.1 or later you don’t need to delete any more). Download the latest version from our website.

Way 2(Easy way):
Note: If you are running WordPress 5.5.1 or later then you don’t need to bother about way2 or delete existing plugin. You can just installed as override or automatic like you install first time.
We know a plugin called “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” which helps to update any custom plugin or manual install/update of plugin easily. Just keep this plugin installed. then you don’t need to deactivate or delete any custom plugin, you can always install or update the new version using the same upload way

Download New Version

If your purchase license is not expired then you can download it from My Account section of our website or more specifically check the download section. If expired please purchase license again. Download the new version. Go to plugin listing of your website dashboard, click Add New, click Upload Plugin, select the downloaded file and installed, activate, done! In some cases, if the file is size is large then you may need to upload using ftp, in such case, at first unzip file and upload the unzipped folder to the plugin’s dir, then go to plugin listing from the dashboard and activate the plugin.