CBX Petition for WordPress
Create, manage petition and collect signatures for petition. Frontend Dashboard for user to submit petition and manage. This plugin is perfect for creating website like change dot org or ipetitions dot com.
Download Try It Free Documentation Version 2.0.0
Key Features

Create & Manage Petition
Create petition from admin panel with necessary fields, easy photo and banner upload fields

Frontend User Dashboard
Create petition from frontend as per role and capability. Manage own petition from frontend, edit and view signatures

Custom Post Type
Petitions are stored as custom post type and extra information as meta fields.

Shortcodes & Widgets
Core and pro addons plugins packed with lots of necessary shortcode and widgets

Signature Log & Moderation
Every single signature is logged. Signatures are stored in custom table. Powerful signature moderation tool for admin user

Email Alerts and Templates
Different types admin and user alerts. Every email has configurable template system.

Extensive & Extendable Settings
Plugin global setting has lots of options and can be extended via addon.

View Templates & Theme Override
Frontend and backend views loads from templates and can be override from theme or child theme.

Filters and Hooks for Developer
CBX Petition plugin is developer friendly, there are lots of hooks and filters to extend the plugin.
Create petition from admin panel with necessary fields, easy photo and banner upload fields Create petition from frontend as per role and capability. Manage own petition from frontend, edit and view signatures. Frontend dashboard feature comes from CBX Petition Pro Addon. Core and pro addons plugins packed with lots of necessary shortcode and widgets Every single signature is logged. Signatures are stored in custom table. Powerful signature moderation tool for admin user Different types admin and user alerts. Every email has configurable template system. Plugin global setting has lots of options and can be extended via addon. Frontend and backend views loads from templates and can be override from theme or child theme. All template files are in plugin’s “templates” dir. To override any template create a folder in your theme named “cbxpetition” and copy file from plugin’s templates folder and paste in the theme’s “cbxpetition” folder as same dir structure CBX Petition plugin is developer friendly, there are lots of hooks and filters to extend the plugin. We added filters and hooks where possible or it can be useful to extend. We wrote more details in documentation. Download Free version from WordPress Plugin Directory CBX Petition Pro Addon for WordPress 39.00$Add to cart
49.00$Add to cart
99.00$Add to cart
99.00$Add to cart
Create & Manage Petition
Frontend User Dashboard
Shortcodes & Widgets
Signature Log & Moderation
Email Alerts and Templates
Extensive & Extendable Settings
View Templates & Theme Override
Filters and Hooks for Developer
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