
Status: This page documentation is completed.

Last modified: March 12, 2025

There are two shortcodes.

01. Shortcode for calculator and list display or both: [cbcurrencyconverter]
This is the main shortcode that has also classic widget, block widget, elementor widget and others. This shortcode covers both calculator and list display or both.
Using shortcode params If no params used in shrotcode then default values of params will be used. Default values are shown in the below table after this section. Params can be used one or multiple. If any param is used it’s value will be used than the default, if any param is not used then default value of that param will be used. Here is an example how to use with params. Here we have showed using two params. This shortcode ‘cbcurrencyconverter’ has multiple params.
[cbcurrencyconverter layout=”cal” decimalpoint=”2″]

Shortcode Params:

Shortcode parameter Default value Possible values
layout cal

cal – to use as calculator

list – to show currency rates as list

calwithlistbottom – calculator with list at bottom

calwithlisttop – calculator with list at top

decimalpoint 2 Any numeric value as need, number of digits after decimal
calc_title Currency Calculator string, title used for Calculator type layout
calc_default_amount 1 Default to show in calculator, any numeric value
calc_currencies as set by user, fallback as set in global setting currency code as comma(no space after comma) separated, example USD,BDT , see all supported currency
calc_from_currencies as set by user, fallback as set in global setting Currencies enabled for from currency list. Currency code as comma (no space after comma) separated, example USD,BDT , see all supported currency
calc_from_currency as set by user, fallback as set in global setting Example: USD see all supported currency
calc_to_currencies as set by user, fallback as set in global setting Currencies enabled for to currency list. Currency code as comma (no space after comma) separated, example USD,BDT , see all supported currency
calc_to_currency as set by user, fallback as set in global setting Example: USD see all supported currency
list_title Currency Latest Rates string, title used for Calculator type layout
list_default_amount 1/td>

Default to show in calculator, any numeric value
list_to_currency if set by user, fallback as set in global setting, example: comma separated(no space after comma) BDT,AUD Example: USD see all supported currency
list_to_currencies if set by user, fallback as set in global setting, example: comma separated(no space after comma) BDT,AUD Example: USD . See all supported currency
list_from_currency as set by user, fallback as set in global setting, example USD Example: USD . See all supported currency

02. Shortcode for just rate display: [cbcurrencyconverter_rate]
Example: [cbcurrencyconverter_rate from=”USD” to=”BDT” amount=”1″ decimal_point=”2″]
Shortcode Params:

Shortcode parameter Default value Possible values
from Any currency name, example USD, BDT, GBP
to Any currency name, example USD, BDT, GBP
amount 1 Any amount number
decimal_point 2 Any numeric value as need, number of digits after decimal

Note: This is page’s documentation is completed