How to Install

The main core plugin name is “Comfort Restaurant Booking” and our pro addon name is “Comfort Restaurant Booking Pro”.

How to install any plugin

Before we know how to install “Comfort Restaurant Booking” if we know how to install any WordPress plugin it will be smarter. has very clear and step by instruction for how to install a plugin from wordpress plugin dir or zip version of a plugin. If you read the article from then now you have basic idea how to install a plugin.

How to install “Comfort Restaurant Booking” Core Plugin

You can install Comfort Restaurant Booking plugin from your WordPress dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New and then search by the name. Then download the zip file from plugin dir and install manually.

How to install “Comfort Restaurant Booking Pro”

Comfort Restaurant Booking Pro Addon doesn’t work without the core plugin Comfort Restaurant Booking. So before you install Comfort Restaurant Booking Pro Addon you need to have the core plugin Comfort Restaurant Booking installed and activated (if you want to activate this pro addon). So, Comfort Restaurant Booking Pro Addon is an addon plugin for core plugin Comfort Restaurant Booking.

To install Pro Addon you have to purchase license and download from our website and then install manually.

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