What’s New in CBX Bookmark V1.4.6 for WordPress
We added some exciting new features to CBX Bookmark for WordPress in V1.4.6. There are changes in pro addons also.

Three Mode of Bookmarks
When we initially designed architecture of this plugin we thought we will develop a plugin for youtube like bookmark or playlist for wordpress articles/post types. But we found that users around the world showed interest on this simple plugin and almost forced us to work more and more on that. So, before user used to created category/list and bookmark article inside that list. Now we call that “User own’s category” mode and we introduced two other modes “Global Category Modes” and “No Category Mode”. Global category mode will help admins to creates the category from dashboard and all user will use those category to bookmark. For global category mode user’s own the bookmarks and site admin owns the category. This feature will help site admin/sites who doesn’t want to allow user create category/list as their own. The last mode or “No category mode” is for most simplest and fastest bookmark solution. Many customers and users asked us simple bookmark feature with other features we have with the CBX Bookmark for WordPress. So, “No Category” means no category, user and site admin none will create category or previously created category will be shown in front end but only single click fast bookmark/unbookmark and all other features.
Admin Listing for All Bookmarks and Category
To implement the global category mode we needed to create interface in admin to allow admin to create global categories and we decided, whatever the mode is on, from backend admin will be able to see all created categories plus create new categories from admin panel so that admin can use them for own as “User own category” mode or all users will use all categories created by any user as “Global Category” mode. Also we added all bookmark listing in admin so that site admin can check bookmark list and moderate. Also now, edit and delete category is also possible from backend. Setting menu is moved from wordpress core General setting sub menu to main menu under CBX Bookmark.
Bookmark Button Now Works in Ajax Mode
Many of our customers complained that bookmark button doesn’t work in ajax loaded content or posts/articles, we though to revamp our js code for bookmark related functionality so that it work for ajax loaded content and we did it. Now the bookmark related functionality is fully working for ajax loaded content.
Bookmark for buddyPress
Now bookmark is possible for buddyPress stream. Also we tweaked the buddyPress related display and other features so that it works more naively with buddyPress. This feature works great for buddyPress new theme BuddyPress Nouveau. Old or legacy theme BuddyPress Legacy still compatible but need some css tweak, see documentation.
Templates and Template Override
New idea comes from new customers, one of our customer needed to style the bookmarked articles matching the theme and for this he/she needed to modify the core plugin but this is not a good practice, so we were requested to implement template files system like wooCommerce so that listing of bookmark articles or widget’s view can be presented as need. Now, we introduced a templates folder and it has all the template files for shortcode, widget and other related functionality as much as possible. Templates can be override by created a folder in theme or child theme named “cbxwpbookmark” and copy files from cbxwpbookmark plugin’s templates folder to that folder with same name and folder structure. This also works for pro addon.
Privacy Improved for User own Category Mode
For user own category mode user can create category in private and public mode, so bookmark any article in private category is private to that user only, other users can not see that user’s private bookmark posts. So, anywhere is option to implement this privacy we improved as need. Please note that, for global category or no category mode where any category created by admin or other users are all treated as global category and category privacy is not honored. If there is way to improve this more we will keep this continue to progress more.
Category Sub list
Sometimes it useful to see bookmark under any category by just clicking that category and bookmarks under that category shows as sub list without refreshing the page. We implemented this and kept it as option for bookmark category widget and shortcode. Hope this small improvement will help better user experience for sites which heavily uses this bookmark plugin.
Custom Bookmark Icon
We introduced option to choose more ready made bookmark icon from the pro addon setting, except the default now we have two more icons as heart and star shape. Custom icons can be used using the theme override feature or putting icons in theme root/cbxwpbookmark/bookmarkicons
and icons named should be bookmark_before_2x.png, bookmark_after_2x.png and bookmark_busy_2x.gif , works for child themes too, this work same way as template override.