Sabuj Kundu 31st Mar 2019

We release CBX Poll for WordPress version 1.1.7 today with CBX Poll Pro Addon V1.0.10. Besides some minor bug fix here are the major changes.

Shortcode “cbxpolls” Updates

Shortcode “cbxpolls” used to display poll listing. There was pagination bug which has been fixed and we introduced a new param called “user_id” which helps to display polls from any users with pagination and other parameter adjustment. For more details check our documentation page.

More Native BuddyPress Integration

In this release the major changes are in pro addon to make CBX Poll more native with buddyPress. Already we had option to send notification to buddypress when someone creates(actually when a poll is published first time) a poll and when someone votes a poll. Also user could enable/disable this notification. Besides this we added some new cool feature.

Poll shows in BuddyPress Stream/Activity Listing

Previously poll creation and poll vote notification used to show in buddyPress stream as text based information. Now poll renders in the stream and user can vote in the poll from buddyPress stream.
Poll display in buddypress stream
Poll display in buddypress stream
Poll vote display in buddypress stream
Poll display in buddypress stream

Insert Poll while Posting activity

Now after the activity post form any user’s poll will be displayed as list and user can select poll from dropdown menu.
Insert Poll while Posting activity
New BuddyPress setting for CBX Poll
New BuddPress Setting

User’s Poll listing from the BuddyPress Navigation

Now it’s possible to check any user’s poll from the nagivation and user’s profile.
User's Poll listing from the BuddyPress Navigation