Sabuj Kundu 18th Aug 2013

One-size-fits-all approach is dead!

Mobile and Tablet is a huge player and more people now browse the internet via smart phone than desktop. According to Adobe’s recent State of Mobile Benchmark, mobile is exploding and it comes in all shapes, sizes and uses. In the U.K., tablets are already driving 65 percent more traffic to websites than smartphones do. And this trend is only going to go up with time.


One-size-fits-all approach to web is dead! More people will browse web via smart device than desktop. Are you ready?   ((Click to Tweet))


When you think of your next brand, your next company’s website, how do you make decision on responsiveness of the site. What media should you optimize your website for?

The following infographic from Monetate summarizes all that you need to know in terms of responsive design evaluation.



Now that you know, what’s the next step?

At Codeboxr we help customers like you to freshly build your new site as fully responsive for all screen size and devices or we can design and re-engineer your existing site while preserving its original design and at the same time make it mobile & tabled friendly, responsive. We are professional and we are cost effective.


Work Samples

We have successfully developed fresh sites which are fully mobile friendly (eg. see Uk based, Surrey Half Marathon site) as well as redesigned unresponsive sites to be responsive (eg, Hugh Harris, another Uk client).

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