Dipu Dey 12th Oct 2022

Pathao Courier is a Bangladeshi courier system for reliable Delivery Business. This is a Laravel/PHP package for pathao courier. This package can be used in laravel or without laravel/php projects. We created this package while working for a project and thought to made it release for all so that it helps. In this blog, I explain how you can easily use Pathao courier API by using laravel/PHP.

Pathao Courier – Laravel/PHP Package source code available via github and released via Packagist as regular regular php composer package.


  • PHP >=7.4
  • Laravel >= 6


composer require codeboxr/pathao-courier

vendor publish (config)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\PathaoCourierServiceProvider"

After publish config file setup your credential. you can see this in your config directory pathao.php file

return [
    "sandbox"       => env("PATHAO_SANDBOX", false), // for sandbox mode use true
    "client_id"     => env("PATHAO_CLIENT_ID", ""),
    "client_secret" => env("PATHAO_CLIENT_SECRET", ""),
    "username"      => env("PATHAO_USERNAME", ""),
    "password"      => env("PATHAO_PASSWORD", "")

Set .env configuration

PATHAO_SANDBOX=true // for production mode use false


1. Get Pathao delivery city list

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier;

return PathaoCourier::area()->city();
2. To get pathao zone list

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::area()->zone($cityId); // City ID
3. To get pathao delivery area list

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::area()->area($zoneId); // Zone ID
4. Create new store

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::store()
                      "name"              => "", // Store Name
                      "contact_name"      => "", // Store contact person name
                      "contact_number"    => "", // Contact person number
                      "address"           => "", // Store address
                      "secondary_contact" => "", // Contact person secondary number not mandatory
                      "city_id"           => "", // Find in city method
                      "zone_id"           => "", // Find in zone method
                      "area_id"           => "", // Find in Area method
5. Get Store List

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::store()->list();
6. Create new parcel

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::order()
                     "store_id"            => "", // Find in store list,
                      "merchant_order_id"   => "", // Unique order id
                      "recipient_name"      => "", // Customer name
                      "recipient_phone"     => "", // Customer phone
                      "recipient_address"   => "", // Customer address
                      "recipient_city"      => "", // Find in city method
                      "recipient_zone"      => "", // Find in zone method
                      "recipient_area"      => "", // Find in Area method
                      "delivery_type"       => "", // 48 for normal delivery or 12 for on demand delivery
                      "item_type"           => "", // 1 for document,2 for parcel
                      "special_instruction" => "",
                      "item_quantity"       => "", // item quantity
                      "item_weight"         => "", // parcel weight
                      "amount_to_collect"   => "", // amount to collect
                      "item_description"    => "" // product details
7. Get Order Details

use Codeboxr\PathaoCourier\Facade\PathaoCourier

return PathaoCourier::order()->orderDetails($consignmentId); // After successfully create order they given a consignment_id


Contributions to the Pathao courier package are welcome. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your pull request.

  • Follow PSR-4 coding standards.
  • Read Pathao API documentations first


Pathao package is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2022 Codeboxr