
Sabuj Kundu 11th Aug 2016

Today we released version 3.0.1 of WCRA (CBX Woo Coupon Referral Affiliate). The new version has some new feature as well as bug fix and feature improvement. Let’s see what’s new.

Main Shortcode [cbxwoocouponreferral] improvement

Shortcode [cbxwoocouponreferral] is used in frontend where any affiliate user can his/her performance and stat. The old shortcode syntaxt was
[cbxwoocouponreferral type=”peryear”] or [cbxwoocouponreferral type=”permonth”]
But now you can use it both stat type together without using shortcode second time.
So, new shortcode aceepts multiple stat type [cbxwoocouponreferral type=”permonth,peryear”]

New Shortcode [wcratop] to show top affiliate users

Shortcode: [wcratop]
count default 10, any digit
type default ‘month’ ,
order default ‘DESC’, or ‘ASC’
order_by default ‘total_earning’, other possible ‘total_amount’, ‘total_referred’

total_referred = how many order referred
total_earning = how much affiliate user earned
total_amount = sales volume referred by affiliate user

New Widget to show top affiliate users

This widget does sames as the shortcode [wcratop]
WCRA Top affiliate frontend widget

Two Dashboard widgets added named “Top Affiliator” and “Yearly stat graph”

WCRA Top Affiliate dashboard widget
WCRA Monthly Stat Dashboard widget

[New Feature] New Global Setting to adjust with the new changes

Dashboard widget visibility and enable/disable
WCRA Global dashboard widget setting

[New Feature] Change user setting from admin user listing(Admin can change)

Using the frontend panel affiliate user can update their payment setting (pro feature) and few other information like contact info etc, now admin can edit them from user listng->user edit view
WCRA User preference edit from user edit in admin