Sabuj Kundu 29th Mar 2017

Loco Translate is an essential wordpress plugin for wordpress plugin and theme developer to generate translation template file and provide translation for any plugin and theme. Even, it’s used by regular wordpress user to translate any plugin for any language it’s not available. Once we found for a plugin that Loco translate is not providing all strings in the template file and it was a strange or unknown reason to me.

A few days back, I found that loco translate plugin has a setting that it can ignore large files or files greater than the specified size in the setting. That’s the reason I faced bad performance using loco translate but it was my ignorance and I didn’t check setting well.

To check file size issue setting, go to WordPress Dashbaord->Left Menu->Loco Translate->Setting->Site Options->Skip PHP files larger than. The default value is 100 kilobytes, but sometimes some php file may be larger and in such case loco translate skip that file.

Hope this help other who faced the same issue like me.

BTW, before I created two screencasts(I think the voice was bit down as I was feeling sleepy) showing how to translate a plugin using loco translate and put the custom translation file in safe location

Thank you.