
Rantideb Howlader 6th Nov 2017

In this era of Information & Communication Technology gathering public opinion at online is easier than doing it offline.Internet makes it easier to do your petition without having to go door to door.Though online petition is followed up by offline action. In this mean time if you follow some online petitions you may notice that online petitions were able to bring instant awareness to issues that range from the environment to human rights.

Examples like “Banchao Sundarban” was a both online & offline petitions from Bangladesh. And we all know how much successfull it was to gather people.

Banchao Sundarban

What Actually Online Petition Is?

Let me do clear about online petition. As Wikipedia says- “An online petition (or Internet petition, or e-petition) is a form of petition which is signed online, usually through a form on a website. Visitors to the online petition sign the petition by adding their details such as name and email address. Typically, after there are enough signatories, the resulting letter may be delivered to the subject of the petition, usually via e-mail. The online petition may also deliver an email to the target of the petition each time the petition is signed.”

Online petitions helps you to do any petition. You may ask for funding for a sick boy, to aware people about any matter, what types of petition you want to create you can do.

Online Petition Success:

A online petition from called Bring my sister home; #FreeGhoncheh was one of the biggest success in the history of online petition.

Bring my sister home

Online petition from Care2 was successed to Lung Transplant a 10 years old girl.

10-Year-Old Girl Gets Lung Transplant

Another online petition from named Passport for my daughter with mother’s name only is also successful one and she got the passport for her child.


How To Use Online Petition ?

To start a online petition you can use these sites:

You can also use your self blog to host a petition.

Now Create a online petition clicking start petition and fill evey step carefully as instructions given on the site you are using to create a petition.

What To do To Make A Petition More Effective?

If you create a petition for local problem or for global problem try to make it unavoidable & for that you should follow:

Make Attention: Make sure you did your best to create a form. Like you did summarise the ask of your petition in one clear and concise sentence to make attention.

Do Advertising: If we see from our side, It is much easier because of internet access. In 2016, Internet users in Bangladesh increased to 63.915 million. So using this huge number of internet user you may do any petition asking any issues that range from the environment to human rights.

Does Online Petition Actually Work?

Does Online Petition actually work?

It is unpredictable.I mean you can’t predict actually how much e-signature is needed to make a petetion successfull.On some issue e-signature get no value. If e-signature got value on every issue then people will start stumbling to do signup.

e-petition failure

And if we think about Bangladesh, just e-signature is not enough. You must do offline campaign. But online petition will also help you to do offline campaign.If you try to remember you will get many examples of online petition from Bangladesh that actually worked.

Start a petition today. Somehow it will help you to understad human psychology as well as sometime the petition could be successfull. To host a self petition you can use those given website or you can also create a petition hosting site using


Petitionz- Petition Html Template

PetitionZ is a html template designed to create petition websites. It’s clean, modern, responsive. This theme can be the best match for a petition website along with all other relative features. It is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap3.x, Font Awesome 4.x, LESS, Gulp, Modernizer and more.